Be the Constant in a World of Change

Millions of Veterans return home facing unseen battles. The challenge of reconnecting with society often keeps them isolated, diminishing their quality of life and well-being. Sierra Delta bridges this gap, fostering bonds between Veterans and dogs to rekindle hope, purpose, and community.

Each contribution isn't just a donation; it's a lifeline, a promise of companionship. With your recurring donation, we move closer to a world where no Veteran feels alone.

Make a recurring donation of $20/month or $200/year today, and be the constant in a Veteran’s life.

Sierra Delta is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.


Sierra Delta’s goal is to provide service dog training for 22 American Veterans each month to reduce the number of American Veteran suicides which tragically has been 22 per day. Currently, Sierra Delta has identified 66 American Veterans needing financial aid to have their dogs trained to meet their personal needs. Will you change a Veteran’s life and give $3,500, the average cost to train a single dog, this Veterans Day?

Training could include Basic Training for Veterans who need a companion, Advanced Training for Veterans who need a service dog, and Medical Training for Veterans who are disabled and need a dog to help them live.

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